Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Adage #17: Gimme a break (Part 3 of 3).

There have been some unintentional things come out of this time of rest above what I was expecting. I am about two thirds of the way through and here some of the things I wasn't planning on:

1. Spending time with my family.
My immediate family lives in California, but I am lucky enough to live in the same town as my grandparents and a set of aunt/uncle/cousins. I suddenly had free nights when I stepped away from ministry for three months. One of those nights happened to be when grandma, aunt and cousin would get together for a movie night. This has easily become my favorite night of the week and I have loved the extra time I have been able to spend with my family!

2. The emotional side of stepping away from my home church.
When I first choose to take a sabbatical, I knew that I would return to ministry, but I wasn't actually positive that it would be at Life Center North. My main purpose in visiting other churches was to go somewhere where I didn't feel I had to do ministry, to go to church to be refreshed. I was not intentionally "church shopping", but if God moved me somewhere else, I wasn't going to ignore it, either.

I found myself missing LCN when I was gone for two or three weeks at a time. It has been refreshing the weeks that I found myself back there, around the people I consider to be a part of my family. These were the weeks that I longed to be at LCN on Sunday and I longed to be involved again. When I stepped away for three weeks at a time, I began to feel a little lost and without a home.

 On the other hand, some weeks I found myself eager to go somewhere other then LCN. I wanted to do something out of the norm and to go somewhere new. My home church was the last place I wanted to be some Sundays.

All these feelings are pretty natural. What I think is important is to never leave a church with anger or resentment. In the end, God has asked me to keep LCN as my home church and I will be faithful to that. I will also probably visit other churches every month or so just to get out of the ordinary. 

3. Learning to say no without guilt.
I remember talking a lot about boundaries and knowing when to say no in my college classes about ministry. I have slowly been getting better at this over time, but taking a sabbatical meant three months of saying no to ministry and serving. I learned quickly to not feel guilty because I was doing exactly what God wanted me to do for this time. There was one time when I gave in and said yes. When I showed up to serve, there was nothing for me to do - draw your own conclusions from that.   

4. Learning from everything around me.
I found myself able to glean lessons from everything that was happening around me. Going to new churches jolted me out of my routine and it became so much easier to take important points away from every sermon I was hearing. Because I have been more intentional about seeking God out in my life, he started showing up everywhere.

5. Living in community.
My living situation is pretty crazy, in a good way. I live with an amazing family from church. A husband, wife and their two young girls. There are also two other roommates in our house, which is not large. There have definitely been times in the past year and half that I have missed having my own space and less people around. But overall, I think this will be one of my favorite experiences when I look back at my life. Since I have extra time while I take a break, I have actually had time to sit down with some of roommates and have actual conversations and meals with them instead of running out the door to my next event or task. I am so blessed to get to share my life with these people!

What are you learning in your life right now? Are you being a lifetime learner? Are you spending time with people who are important to you? Are there things you need to say no to? Or maybe there is something you need to yes to?

1 comment:

  1. You need to get paid for this blog! Send this to Relevant!!!!!!!!!!!
