I have friends with two Siberian Huskies, Ivan and Eena. A while ago, my friends brought their huskies to a family dinner where there were several other dogs. One of those dogs, much smaller than Ivan, is named Mrs. Mugglesworth. For some unknown reason, Ivan is terrified of her. I would have thought that her unintimdating name alone would insight lots of teasing from Ivan, but he is afraid to even make eye contact with her.
When Mrs. Mugglesworth walks into the room Ivan assumes the posture I do when there is an awkward public run in with someone I'm not sure I want to see, combined with a toddler who doesn't get how the game of peek-a-boo works yet: he looks the other direction, hopes that she won't notice him and figures if he can't see her, she can't see him.
As my friends were seated at the dining table during one of these family dinners - it's one of those higher tables with the tall stools, Mrs. Muggelsworth waltzed into the room and Ivan responded by doing what any small child who is afraid of someone would do. He tried to climb up into my friends lap to get away from the much smaller "scary" dog. Below is a picture of Ivan and his owner, the one who's lap he was trying to climb on: not an easy task for him.
I could hear this story from my friends 100 times and I still laugh so hard I cry, but it also started me thinking. Ivan doesn't even realize he could snap Mrs. Mugglesworth in half if the need arised. God has created each of us in specific ways, what happens when we aren't even aware of who He has created us to be? Genesis 1:17 says, "So God created human beings in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." We are created in the image of God, let that sink in for a minute.
Ivan is afraid because he doesn't know who he is or what he is capable of. But we do, we were created in God's image, the most powerful, wonderful, awe-inspiring being in existence. We find our definition not in what we do or what we like, but in the One who created us to be like Him.
Are you like Ivan? Are there parts of you that you are unaware of? Are there gifts and talents God has given you that you are not using or don't even know you have yet? I encourage you to ask God to use you in the most unexpected ways and see what happens!
I really enjoyed reading this blog Alissa! They story alone is super cute! Put that with the reference to God creating us, made it all the more better! You are awesome, and that dog is so stinkin cute!