My dad, sister and I had just spent the whole day traveling from Los Angeles to London. I think we arrived at our hotel around 7PM. We unloaded our stuff, grabbed some dinner and started wandering around. We stumbled upon a nice looking town square with some fountains and decided to sit and do some people watching.
We sat down on the edge of a fountain and looked up to see a tall statue of a man with four lions at the base. It was then that my dad realized that we were in Trafalgar Square, a place he looked for every time he was in London, but hadn’t been able to find.
It’s funny how often we end up stumbling upon things on accident. Places we could never find when we were looking for them. While driving around Spokane, I often stumble upon interesting places that I can never find again when I’m purposely looking for them. I can never seem to find the particular article of clothing I am shopping for, but when I go without a purpose, I find tons of stuff. When I am looking for God to do something specific in my life, He does something I wasn’t planning on.
So when you find unexpected things, take a minute and pause there. Enjoy it because who knows when you will find again!
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