Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summer Adventures in Spokane: Bloomsday

Despite my threats to leave Spokane in the midst of winter, Spokane is a pretty cool place to be in the summer. I’m not even really sure whom these threats are directed to - the city of Spokane? my tiny car? my collection of winter coats? innocent bystanders? Since I have not made good on these threats any of the past 8 winters, I think it’s safe to say they are pretty empty promises. This is because when winter ends, summer is right around the corner and summer is so good, I forget about my threats of moving back to California where it is warm all the time.

Now that I have weekends off, I have decided it’s time to make the most of being in Spokane during the summer. I fully intend to try to make it to every event the area has to offer me. So if you know of any that I’m missing, let me know! Or better yet, invite me to come along with you!

Bloomsday is a big race held every year in Spokane - it’s kind of a big deal. Every year, I slightly entertain the idea of participating and then I forget about it until I’ve missed the deadline to enter. This year was no different. But Kevin ran it, so I went downtown with Serena and Lily to drop Kevin off and then hang out for a little while.

I’ve never even been down there during the event, so it was really fun to be around the atmosphere. Serena, Lily and I went to the finish line to watch the elite runners finish. It was surprising how little people were watching with us, but it was amazing to see some of the world’s best runners in person.

Then we went down to Riverfront Park to walk around all the vendors and such. We found a mini-donut stand and what better way to celebrate other people being physically active then eating unhealthy snacks! While standing in line, I ran into one of my friends’ parents from the west side (the Beauchamps) and got a chance to catch up with them.

Overall, it was great to at least get to see what happens during Bloomsday. Next year the goal is to actually participate (preferably in some sort of ridiculous costume) and throw a sweatshirt on to a tree.

Some upcoming events I plan on participating in:

1. ArtFest is next weekend in Browne’s Addition, anyone want to go?

2. There is a Combine Derby in Lind on June 11th. My former roommate, Laura, invited me. I believe her exact words were something like: “I was trying to think of someone who would do random crap with me. Like who would drive two hours to see a combine derby with me? Alissa!” I almost cut her off because I was already enthusiastically raising my hand (even though it was a phone conversation) and saying, “I’m in, I’m in!” I’m so predictable.


  1. Hahaha. I'm glad you'll go!

    And I'll totally go to any random Spokane events with you as well. Especially during the summer!! I'm excited for this summer!

    June 19th is Brew Fest in CDA... but you don't like beer, so you may not love Brew Fest.

  2. Hoopfest and Pig Out in the Park
